TidyRead - AI阅读TidyRead - AI阅读
TidyRead - AI阅读TidyRead - AI阅读
TidyRead - AI阅读TidyRead - AI阅读
TidyRead - AI阅读TidyRead - AI阅读
TidyRead - AI阅读TidyRead - AI阅读
Tidyread - 高效阅读助手Read more in less time 简介:Tidyread 是一款可灵活定制的资讯简报工具,借力 AI,让你以更少的时间阅读更多内容,为你建立起资讯阅读的秩序感。 产品功能: 1. 感兴趣的信源,由 AI 过滤、摘要、翻译 后,每日聚合为简报推送给您。 2. 对信息焦虑 Say No,任意粒度一键暂停。 3. 自由规划主题,By 主题定制摘要 Prompt,为您提供更定制化的内容。 4. 高效阅读模式,让您的阅读流保持顺畅。 5. 无缝的内容调试流程,轻松优化您的信息获取最佳实践。 6. 完备的用量控制功能,尽可能为您降低开销。 平台:浏览器插件,支持邮件接收简报。 价格:仅 AI 相关功能付费,其它免费。注册送 50w tokens,公测阶段充值按 GPT 3.5 API 价格 0.5$/ 1m tokens。 ================ 用户评价 ================ -Zeno: 目前用下来,感觉比 rss 好用,比我当时设想的 mvp 要完善太多太多 - Ken: You are making a great tool/product in my opinion. Being able to have feeds of interest summarized so nicely will save people so much time to try to get more information about the topics they are interested in using far less time. This will accelerate growth of knowledge and allow people to learn more even more quickly. - Saumil: Beyond its core functionality, Tidyread.ai offers a clean and user-friendly interface. This user-friendly design makes it a perfect tool for anyone who wants to streamline their information consumption process. If you're looking to overcome information overload and boost your reading productivity, I highly recommend Tidyread.ai. It's a powerful tool that has become an essential part of my daily workflow.


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